Last christmas I was planning to make christmas presents. but I hated what I had made.
I planned to make this kind of bird, bunting, mobile thing. I wanted someone to maybe hang it in their house. But I was really dissatisfied with the birds. I mean, I like a couple. But I don't really know what I was going for. Anyway, they've been sitting in my 'things which are yet to be completed' box since then. I'm not sure what I'll do with them, but I thought it was about time to take photographic evidence of their existence.
I quite like the seagull. I'm going to be honest there. I might try some more of him. I think I was disappointed with my stitching, for the most part. I'm not sure. I can't remember.
Anyway, the cat thought that the picture would be better if he was in it, and who am I to argue with a creative genius?
I also started all the following embroidery earlier this year. I've tried to get into using the hoops a bit more. I quite like how simple they are to pick up and put down. and I find the simplicity quite therapeutic actually. I'm not trying anything too ambitious, so I feel quite alright about what they look like. Not that I intend to do anything with them; apart from maybe chuck them in letters.
A statement.
A unicorn.
Something to put on a postcard...
I plan to applique this on to a cushion at some point. It's supposed to be a raven. I can't stop thinking about them ever since I read King Crow; which, by the way, I fully recommend
This review says it is a thriller, but I don't think it was... but I'm not sure I could describe what genre I think it is. I'll have a think about it.
I'm currently reading Hope: A Tragedy
I haven't finished it yet, but so far it's really good. The story is brilliantly weird.
The guy who ran the fiction section at the bookshop I used to work at, recommended it. He is so damn good at recommending books. He's a genuine encyclopedia of contemporary fiction.
Take care, friends.