Friday 27 January 2012

I have not made.

I aimed to make all of my christmas presents. But I only made two.
I wimped out of giving people most of my makes, because I didn't feel like they were very good.
But at some point I will take a digital camera and this laptop (I am really not a fan of modern technology) and I will upload the pictures of the things I have made, whether I am proud of them, or a little embarrassed.

In the meantime:
I found this whilst I was doing my periodical browse of all the blogs on the internet and thought it was superbly articulate.

I envy those who are able to express what they need to say. Especially those who think they've said it satisfyingly enough to share it with other people.

And in other news: I really enjoyed this. I think I have looked at that photograph almost ten times today.