Wednesday, 8 February 2012

A Thai Triangle Cushion


I can't even remember when i started making this Thai Triangle Cushion. I feel like it must've been last summer, but like I have said before, my memory fades.

I first saw them when I was in Thailand. They had them at this place I stayed at in Pai (north Thailand, nr Chang Mai). 

I loved sitting in this shaded area. I met some wonderful people there. And watched some great films (which maybe I shouldn't have done whilst I was in Thailand, such a wonderful country; but it felt so appropriate).

I can remember it as though it was yesterday.

So I wanted to give it a go and recreate that feeling at home, in my little (not exotic) flat. AND I DID!

Unfortunately I can't remember what measurements I used, but one day I'll put them up. Right now, the pillow is quite big; it's wider than I remember them being in Thailand. But it's lovely to lay back on. I will make another level of triangles on the bottom, so you can lay on those as a bed type thing. 

My amazing next door neighbour gave me the fabric (according to her husband, she's fond of keeping of stashes of fabric around the house, I'm more than delighted to take it off her hands). So, it's not as vibrant perhaps as it should be, but it fits quite nicely in our living room. But if it was too bright, it might hurt my eyes on these dingy days, so perhaps it's for the best. I used natural kapok for the stuffing. It's a wonderful material, according to my google search ( I would be hesitant to work with it too often, because it was so uncomfortable. The fibres were getting in my eyes, hair, nose. yack. Additionally, I spoke to some people about it and they told me things like, it can have a negative effect on people with allergies (which fortunately I don't struggle with that much) and also that it can drop quite quickly...I'll let you know. I'll use it for the section I'm adding though because when I started, I bought one bag and it only stuffed four of the tunnels. That caused the hiatus. I had to wait until I had enough money to buy some more. Since I wanted to get on with it, and I recently got my first payslip and a new job, I decided to buy about, maybe, eighty pounds on the stuff. So now our cupboard is FULL to the brim with it. I got some gloves and I put a scarf round my face. That helps me cope with the fluffy stress.

So there it is, in all its glory.


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